
For the past few years I have been remiss in keeping this site updated. Please feel free to send me anything you believe needs to be added, or updated.

Due to increasing server costs and domain costs we are allowing Google Ads on the site. It is a necessary evil of maintaining a fee free system. It is what it is but every little bit of income allows us to continue to maintain this site.

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Sponsor a Greyhound Domain Renewal and more

Over the last two years our pro-greyhound domains have received close to 1 million hits with about 600,000 visitors. We have continued to add to the greyhoundinfo.org site that is the landing page for these domains.

In December 2017 all of these domains (22 of them) are up for renewal. The renewal cost for each domain is roughly $20.00 year. They vary a bit because of the extensions (.com, .net, .us, etc). I will not be able to renew all of these without help. Normally we would not worry about loosing domains, but it has been a pattern of G2K to capture any domains that are released that have anything to do with greyhounds and point them to their own sites. This would be a problem as all of our material is pro greyhound and that is what visitors expect and then they would be slammed with anti-greyhound material. Not what we want or need.

So, as always, I am looking for donations/sponsorship to keep these sites up and running for a few more years. I much prefer to renew sites for a 2 or 3 year length as it can save 10% on the renewal costs and it is one less thing to worry about.

To toss in an additional benefit this year. How would you like your own email address in one of the listed (below) domains? Sponsor one of the domains below and you will up to three email addresses in the domain of your choice from the list! It does not have to be the one you sponsor (in case that is already taken).

How to sponsor? Send me a note via email and tell me which domain(s) you would like to sponsor, along with what email address you would like. Then, please follow the paypal.com directions that I will send you and attach a note to the paypal. Once all setup I will send you directions for the email.  I will also send you the proof of renewal from our registrar.

To reach me: cmolnar (at) ourworldservices (dot) com    or   cmolnar (at) christophermolnar (dot) com

(replace the (at) and the (dot) with the appropriate characters)

Domains Available for Sponsorship:


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Welcome to All About Greyhounds!

Welcome to All About Greyhounds!  We hope you will explore all the pages of the website, Greyhounds have many facets and we hope to showcase them all.  We endeavor to keep this website fresh and up to date, so please enjoy your visit and come back often.

Welcome to the world!

Want to play?

Now we are almost grown, what’s next?

Now we have a job!

Time to cool off.









Time to relax in the kennel.

We can do more than race, this is called Coursing.


We enjoy our retirement – by “Shot on Site Photography”








Enjoying “retirement” – by “Shot on Site Photography”








We enjoy our retirement.

We like to excavate

Hang out with old friends.

Make new friends.

Sometimes we still run for the fun of it…..

Sometimes we just run for pride…

And just relax

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